Saturday, April 12, 2008

Court of a different kind

If we are talking about courts, the first thing that would cross our minds could be the judiciary system, the rot in the judiciary, or even the now-famous V.K. Lingam. Usually, courts would be associated with either seriousness, guilt or sadness. Though sometimes funny things do happen to lighten things up, there only a handful of them and purely accidental. Along came Comedy Court to change the stigma. No, its not the court for comedians to face trial. The 'Court' is short for courtiers, hence the full name would be Comedy Courtiers. Consists of two very intelligent entertainers,Allan Perera and Indi Nadarajah, they embark on a journey to charm and woo the hearts of their audiences with their wit. Thanks to their creative efforts , courts could now be an epitome of satire, joy and laughter. Here is one for you.

Transcript (for those who can't quite understand):

Court : Court Banguunnn!!!

Judge : Anda boleh mula Encik Loganathan..

Loganathan : Yang Bertinggi (Your Highness).. Saya mahu buat ini permohonan untuk cakap dalam bahasa English.. yang ariff..

Judge : Cuba jalankan kes kamu dalam Bahasa Malaysia dulu!

Loganathan : Err..baik yang arif.. Saya si Loganathan bagi pihak pemohon dan ini teman pundeyman saya..

Duraisingham : Saya..saya..Saya punya tuhan (My Lord) Apa macam dia kata sama saya pundaman..??

Loganathan : Mana saya ada cakap!!

Duraisingham : Dia cakap saya pundaman.. Ini si Loganathan, dia dia punya mulut manyak busuk.. Dia tadak kasi sama saya, apa mahu kata saya perkatakan.. Hah! dia tarak kasi sama saya.. 'Firstly nasi dan courtesy kanasi'..

Loganathan : Yang arif, mana saya tidak memprofessionalkan mencourtesy-kanasikan..sikim..
Saya cakap teman Budiman.. Kerana Encik Duraisingham tak tahu apakah dia meaning-kemeaningan.. Tolong cakap ini Duraisingham untuk memdictionarykan apakah dia meaning-meaning ayat.. Jangan menshoutkan sebiji seorang Idiot dinasikan.. Walaubagaimanapun yang arif, saya akan carry-on tuan.. Yang ariff, ini.. Yang arif adalah satu.. 'How the hell do you say..?' Ini adalah satu Jamban..yang ..err.. Ini Jamban ..'Bring a motion' tuan..

Duraisingham : Saya punya Tuhan (My Lord)
Dia cakap, saya itu itu punya jam saya tada cakap itu Bahasa Melayu.. Tapi tengok saya punya saya punya pasal, dia saya ingat dia yang tak tahu cakap ini Bahasa Melayu..

Loganathan : Kalau tahu apa ..??

Duraisingham : Saya cakap sama ini kata pigi Jamban.. Itu tada butul, perkataan yang patut ialah 'Pigi Tandas!'

Loganathan : My Lord..Pigi tandas!!!

Judge : Gentleman, gentlemen, before the court interpreted 'Die from Shock' or before I have to hold you for contempt of the National Language.. Please do us all a favour and continue in English...!!

Duraisingham : Very Good Judgement my Lord!

The best part of this group is that they are not only confined to courtroom humour. Their works range from press conferences to chit chatting at the Spa. Satiring Malaysian lifestyle that we are too familiar of especially politics. Apart from that, they have improvised a few songs with vocalists that could beat the Akademi Fantasia participants hands down. For more of details, you can visit their website or better still watch their videos on YouTube.

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